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What is Coaching?
Coaching is a goal-oriented process in which the coach helps you identify/focus on your work and personal goals, where you are on the path to achieving them and how you can achieve them. In the simplest terms, the aim of coaching is to help someone develop their own skills in order to cope more successfully with events in their life.
In practice, at the end of successful coaching, people experience:
More positive ways of experiencing life situations and dealing with problems more successfully.
At the end of successful coaching, people will be able to make a decisive self-correction.
Creativity, initiative and balance
This requires that the coach understands the client in depth and communicates with him in a way that promotes insight and opens up new possibilities, and shows him a path that is as in tune as possible with his own personality. A comprehensive understanding of the external and internal world of the individual and of his/her social environment is essential in order to find together the most appropriate path for the client. This can only be done by a coach who understands the functioning of all these areas of life individually and in their interrelationships. In individual psychological counselling/coaching, it is possible to work on personal problems in a one-to-one situation and with complete discretion. Sessions are individually scheduled on a regular basis for approximately 50 minutes each. In the first sessions, the problem is identified and the goal(s) are formulated, and then the framework and duration of the counselling/coaching process is agreed.
Most common coaching topics:
- Delegation, empowering leadership
- Decision-making
- Time management
- Conflict management, cooperation development
- Motivation
- Work-life balance
- Self-awareness, people skills, self-confidence development
- Change of position, career jump, career management
- Presentation
- Stress management
- Leading from the expert
- Negotiation techniques, meeting management
- Delegation, empowering leadership
- Decision-making
- Time management
- Conflict management, cooperation development
- Motivation
- Work-life balance
- Self-awareness, people skills, self-confidence development
- Change of position, career jump, career management
- Presentation
- Stress management
- Leading from the expert
- Negotiation techniques, meeting management
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